Monday 22 February 2010

Poems for Ghana by Corfe Hills Laureates

Jess, Gina, Heather, Kat and Beth met to write a poem for Ghana and it was sent with Mrs Borley on her visit. We can't wait to hear how it was recieved.

We were inspired by this painting:

Rippling water,
Clashing pots,
Singing to herself.
She catches a smell
Of the village,
Out of sight,
Cooking smoke.

Taste of heat, dust of a hundred dry days
Light dances on the water
Sparse grass thrusting from sun-baked ground.

Children run free, singing songs in the wind.
New river in the Wadi.

Writers Group Haikus (with pictures from my new camera!!)

Friday Night's Alright


Winter frosts the lake
Winter whispers through the trees
Winter kills the weak.

Emily King Underwood

Winter, kigo done,
now here is my kireji:
Haikus are limited.

Katie Thackeray

The fall of discards
Debris from my coat pocket
Once forgot: now dreamt.

by The Well (AKA Kristian Wightwick)

And more pictures...